I am a researcher in ecology. My
research focus on biocontrol strategies with macro-organisms (insects
and mites). I am particularly interested in how biocontrol agents
behave and interact with pests and plants. My research projects
concern two main problematics: (i) arthropod behaviour and their
interaction with plants; (ii) population dynamics and pest control
optimization in agro-ecosystems.
Ongoing projects
SuzuKIISS.ME (Managing Drosophila suzukii with SuperSterile insects: Maturation and Efficiency). Ecophyto-Maturation 2022-2024.
CeraTIS (Territorial management of the Mediterranean fruit fly in Corsica with Sterile Insect Technique). Ecophyto 2020-2023.
CrashPest (A cascade of destabilizations: combining Wolbachia and Allee effects to eradicate the insect pest Drosophila suzukii). ANR 2020-2023.
ENI-BC+(Non-target effects of biocontrol methods). SuMCrop Metaprogram 2021-2022
Past projects (selection)
Mascot (Machine-learning and collective motion analysis in trichograms). UCA 2020-2021.
Mites-Inn (Mites innovated: enhancing predatory mite based biological control with micro-habitats and alternative food). INRAE-SPE 2020-2021.
Odoramma (Odors for Trichogramma). INRAE-SPE 2017-2019